Last Updated: 19 April 2022 19 April 2022

Magical Friends · Treasures

“Baby Bella” (Green Border) (October 2008)
43 common cards, 37 rare cards, 12 toy cards, 37 foil cards, 4 promo cards and 4 postcards.

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Common Cards

01 - Aegis
Do something that makes you feel proud. Others will be proud of you too.
Parents: Apollo & Athena
02 - Alexander
Make your own choices, and let others make theirs.
Parents: Hercules & Hecate
03 - Amor & Venus
Spread your joy and bring peace to the world.
Foals: Celesta, Cherub, Pirouette
04 - Apollo & Athena
You have the freedom to make your own dreams come true.
Foals: Aegis, Harmony
05 - Arim
Your friendships are strong and loving.
Parents: Embarr & Freja
Twin: Mira
06 - Asteria
Share your thoughts and feelings in writing.
Parents: Hercules & Hecate
07 - Barleycorn
Your way can be different without being better or worse than others.
08 - Bellerophon
A real hero needs a loving heart.
Parents: Pegasus & Roxy
09 - Briar
Believing in yourself makes things go better for you.
Parents: Beran & Rosebriar
10 - Brine
Choose friends who are positive and loving.
Parents: Treasure & Edana
11 - Ceranna
Be the first to smile at someone new.
Parents: Ceratos & Nanna
12 - Charlemagne
Pay attention to the lessons life teaches you.
13 - Charlie & Mandalay
Tell your friends your favorite wish. Then listen to theirs.
Foals: Delight, Summit
14 - Dart
You have the ower to change things for the better.
Parents: Royce & Pink Lady
15 - Delight
Being kind to someone makes both of you feel good.
Parents: Charlie & Mandalay
16 - Ebenos
Today is another chance to do something wonderful.
Parents: Uranus & Anemone
17 - Emberic
You can create miracles in your life. Believe it!
Parents: Flame & Nike
18 - Farfalla
You can fly! Just close your eyes and use your imagination.
19 - Harmony
Making music creates harmony in the world.
Parents: Apollo & Athena
20 - Helia
Doing things together helps our friendship grow.
Parents: Flame & Nike
21 - Hercules & Hecate
You don't have to be perfect at everything. Just know when to ask for help.
Foals: Alexander, Asteria, Komenos
22 - Iceking & Nyx
Hope is like magic. It takes you to exciting places.
Foals: Iceprince, Starfrost, Toboggan
23 - Iceprince
Let others see who you really are.
Parents: Iceking & Nyx
24 - Khrysor
Life is full of chances. Anything can happen!
Parents: Pegasus & Roxy
25 - Komenos
Enjoy every minutes playing with your friends.
Parents: Hercules & Hecate
26 - Larena
You are ready to spread your wings and fly!
27 - Leonardo & Sarah
Follow your heart and feel the joy we have together.
Foals: Moonbeam, Sunbeam
28 - Mariannis
Learning to swim is a fun way to excercise.
29 - Mira
You are smart to ask for what you need.
Parents: Embarr & Freja
Twin: Arim
30 - Mjolnir & Iduna
You have a generous heart. Let it blossom.
Foals: Snowflake, Wodan
31 - Moonbeam
You were born with a creative spirit. Let your ideas flow freely.
Parents: Leonardo & Sarah
32 - Moonphantom
Push yourself to take the first step. Be brave!
Parents: Bukefalos & Mireldis
33 - Moonsprite
If someone hurts you, tell her how you feel about it.
Parents: Bukefalos & Mireldis
34 - Pirouette
You have unique gifts. Make the most of the chances they give you.
Parents: Amor & Venus
35 - Prisma
You have the power to control the way you react.
Parents: Bifrost & Colour
36 - Pythia
Strength is beautiful.
Parents: Pegasus & Roxy
37 - Reif
Find a goal that keeps you focused.
38 - Royce & Pink Lady
Trust yourself to choose the path that brings you joy and energy.
Foals: Dart, Primrose, Whimsy
39 - Snowflake
Change whatever you need to change to make things better.
Parents: Mjolnir & Iduna
40 - Sunbeam
Forgiving others helps you let go of hurt feelings.
Parents: Leonardo & Sarah
41 - Tumbleweed
Changing your thoughts can change your life.
Parents: Skipper & Flora
42 - Uranus & Anemone
Keep your heart open. Let love flow around you and in you.
Foals: Cirra, Ebenos
43 - Whimsy
Be thankful for the happy times you share with your friends.
Parents: Royce & Pink Lady

Rare Cards

44 - Addis
When someone tells you she's sorry, forgive her.
Parents: Flame & Nike
45 - Balto & Juno
You can choose to be joyful and celebrate!
Foals: Pavonne
46 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
47 - Bellisimo
Trust yourself and you will know how to love.
Parents: Bello & Bella
48 - Bello & Bella
Life is a gift. Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
Foals: Bellisimo
49 - Beran & Rosebriar
Choose this moment to be more free and loving.
Foals: Briar, Calyx, Petal
50 - Bifrost & Colour
Where joy is there are always miracles.
Foals: Chromasia, Mistral, Prisma
51 - Bluebell
Our friendship keeps us strong and free.
Parents: Skipper & Flora
52 - Bukefalos & Mireldis
Look for peace and you will find it all around you.
Foals: Moonphantom, Moonsprite
53 - Calyx
We can climb mountains together.
Parents: Beran & Rosebriar
54 - Celesta
Look at the sky. See the art that nature creates.
Parents: Amor & Venus
55 - Ceratos & Nanna
Let your happy thoughts grow in amazing abundance.
Foals: Ceranna
56 - Cherub
Hope is the magic that turns wishes into goals.
Parents: Amor & Venus
57 - Chromasia
The sweet sound of your voice makes me smile.
Parents: Bifrost & Colour
58 - Chryso & Sasha
Dare to try for magnificent goals.
Foals: Ruskin
59 - Cirra
See the beauty inside your friends.
Parents: Uranus & Anemone
60 - Embarr & Freja
Close your eyes and hear the music of my heart.
Foals: Arim, Mira
61 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
62 - Flame & Nike
Have the courage to run faster than the wind.
Foals: Addis, Emberic, Helia
63 - Flipper & Ondine
Make every day an adventure! It will embrace you with extra energy.
Foals: Janie, Murttie
64 - Janie
Change is a part of life. Learn to enjoy it.
Parents: Flipper & Ondine
65 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
66 - Kora
I am proud to be your friend.
Parents: Treasure & Edana
67 - Mistral
Do what you mean to do.
Parents: Bifrost & Colour
68 - Murttie
Imagine love and joy coming into your life.
Parents: Flipper & Ondine
69 - Pavonne
A noble spirit grows from a kind and honest heart.
Parents: Balto & Juno
70 - Pegasus & Roxy
You are surrounded with chances for your dreams to come true!
Foals: Bellerophon, Khrysor, Pythia
71 - Petal
Plan a sweet surprise for someone.
Parents: Beran & Rosebriar
72 - Primrose
The more you learn, the more you grow.
Parents: Royce & Pink Lady
73 - Ruskin
Follow your heart and you will create your own success.
Parents: Chryso & Sasha
74 - Skipper & Flora
Open like a flower and show others that you are valuable.
Foals: Bluebell, Tumbleweed
75 - Starfrost
It's easier to let go of your fear if you know where it came from.
Parents: Iceking & Nyx
76 - Summit
Being with others and being alone can both be beautiful.
Parents: Charlie & Mandalay
77 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
78 - Toboggan
Do funny things that make you giggle.
Parents: Iceking & Nyx
79 - Treasure & Edana
Start your day by seeing the beauty in the space around you.
Foals: Brine, Kora
80 - Wodan
Be the first to say you are sorry.
Parents: Mjolnir & Iduna

Energy Cards

81 - Bella's Bubble Wand 82 - Bifrost Skyglider 83 - Crystal Fishbowl 84 - Dress-Up Doll
85 - Jewel's Music Box 86 - Lullaby Panda 87 - Sound Spinner 88 - Sparkle Skywriter
89 - Star Top 90 - Surprise Box 91 - Waterpearl Tadpole 92 - Zephyros Kite

Foil Cards

S1 - Addis
When someone tells you she's sorry, forgive her.
Parents: Flame & Nike
S2 - Balto & Juno
You can choose to be joyful and celebrate!
Foals: Pavonne
S3 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
S4 - Bellisimo
Trust yourself and you will know how to love.
Parents: Bello & Bella
S5 - Bello & Bella
Life is a gift. Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
Foals: Bellisimo
S6 - Beran & Rosebriar
Choose this moment to be more free and loving.
Foals: Briar, Calyx, Petal
S7 - Bifrost & Colour
Where joy is there are always miracles.
Foals: Chromasia, Mistral, Prisma
S8 - Bluebell
Our friendship keeps us strong and free.
Parents: Skipper & Flora
S9 - Bukefalos & Mireldis
Look for peace and you will find it all around you.
Foals: Moonphantom, Moonsprite
S10 - Calyx
We can climb mountains together.
Parents: Beran & Rosebriar
S11 - Celesta
Look at the sky. See the art that nature creates.
Parents: Amor & Venus
S12 - Ceratos & Nanna
Let your happy thoughts grow in amazing abundance.
Foals: Ceranna
S13 - Cherub
Hope is the magic that turns wishes into goals.
Parents: Amor & Venus
S14 - Chromasia
The sweet sound of your voice makes me smile.
Parents: Bifrost & Colour
S15 - Chryso & Sasha
Dare to try for magnificent goals.
Foals: Ruskin
S16 - Cirra
See the beauty inside your friends.
Parents: Uranus & Anemone
S17 - Embarr & Freja
Close your eyes and hear the music of my heart.
Foals: Arim, Mira
S18 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
S19 - Flame & Nike
Have the courage to run faster than the wind.
Foals: Addis, Emberic, Helia
S20 - Flipper & Ondine
Make every day an adventure! It will embrace you with extra energy.
Foals: Janie, Murttie
S21 - Janie
Change is a part of life. Learn to enjoy it.
Parents: Flipper & Ondine
S22 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
S23 - Kora
I am proud to be your friend.
Parents: Treasure & Edana
S24 - Mistral
Do what you mean to do.
Parents: Bifrost & Colour
S25 - Murttie
Imagine love and joy coming into your life.
Parents: Flipper & Ondine
S26 - Pavonne
A noble spirit grows from a kind and honest heart.
Parents: Balto & Juno
S27 - Pegasus & Roxy
You are surrounded with chances for your dreams to come true!
Foals: Bellerophon, Khrysor, Pythia
S28 - Petal
Plan a sweet surprise for someone.
Parents: Beran & Rosebriar
S29 - Primrose
The more you learn, the more you grow.
Parents: Royce & Pink Lady
S30 - Ruskin
Follow your heart and you will create your own success.
Parents: Chryso & Sasha
S31 - Skipper & Flora
Open like a flower and show others that you are valuable.
Foals: Bluebell, Tumbleweed
S32 - Starfrost
It's easier to let go of your fear if you know where it came from.
Parents: Iceking & Nyx
S33 - Summit
Being with others and being alone can both be beautiful.
Parents: Charlie & Mandalay
S34 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
S35 - Toboggan
Do funny things that make you giggle.
Parents: Iceking & Nyx
S36 - Treasure & Edana
Start your day by seeing the beauty in the space around you.
Foals: Brine, Kora
S37 - Wodan
Be the first to say you are sorry.
Parents: Mjolnir & Iduna

Promo Cards

P1 - Dawn
Your natural charm is delightful.
Parents: Rimfaxe & Aurora
P2 - Dusk
Learning helps you choose wisely and trust your choices.
Parents: Rimfaxe & Aurora
P3 - Rimfaxe & Aurora
Let nature give you the energy to share your love with others.
Foals: Dawn, Dusk
P4 - Wildflower
Don't hurry through things. Take as long as you need.
Postcard 1 Postcard 2 Postcard 3 Postcard 4
200 Horseshoes Card 400 Horseshoes Card Toy Collection Completer Card  

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For Reference Purposes Only