Last Updated: 19 April 2022 19 April 2022

Danish Copper · First Series

“Danish Wise Warriors” (Beige Border) (October 2006)
40 common cards, 10 energy cards, 5 foil cards, and 1 promo card

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Common Cards

01 - Alibi
Find new ways to be with others.
02 - Bandi
Express yourself freely. If you need help, ask for it.
03 - Bosi
Use all your abilities to make this a beautiful place.
04 - Calato
Believe in what you do and be successful.
05 - Camelot
Don't run for desires that are impossible to complete.
06 - Cantaro
Develop your ability to lead. Ask a wise person for advice.
07 - Cascadeur
The things you have lost will come back by themselves.
08 - Channa
Follow your heart's desire.
09 - Ching
Don't be afraid. Show who you are.
10 - Chung
Let go of pain and sorrow. The road will open and everything will go right.
11 - Djengis
Let your inner strength break free.
12 - Feng
This moment is full of opportunities.
13 - Isak
Be the hero in your own story.
14 - Konfu
Move toward your goals. The road is open.
15 - Lancelot
Be patient. Wait for the right moment before you take action.
16 - Leonard
Your life is a sundance.
17 - Louie
Give others opportunities to help you.
18 - Macon
It is wise to accept that there are things you can't do.
19 - Medusa
Take advice from the people you trust.
20 - Mountain Climber
Make your goals magnificent.
21 - Ninja
Be careful every minute.
22 - Nuna
By focusing on your inner strength you can spread light and warmth.
23 - Parlez
Make a plan and commit completely to it.
24 - Pini
Express yourself clearly and cheerfully.
25 - Prince
If your talk and thoughts are positive you will become happy.
26 - Raimondo
Share what you have with others. It will give you happiness and harmony.
27 - Resident
Share your wisdom with others. It will give you strength.
28 - Rubin
A small seed can become a big tree.
29 - Sheng
Understand the past. Hold on to the great things and move forward alone.
30 - Skeleton
Come out and live in the great world.
31 - Sokki
Seize the day.
32 - Sonet
Retreat from conflicts and go to where you feel welcome.
33 - Sorel
Be focused on what's really important.
34 - Stribes
Gather energy and courage to go your own way.
35 - Sun
Go back and find out what is most important for you.
36 - Sung
Retreat from conflicts and go to where you feel safe.
37 - Tai
Be resolute and energetic in what you do.
38 - Tao
The whole world is at your feet.
39 - Yasmin
Retreat and gather new energy for taking new steps on the road.
40 - Zombie
Some people don't understand you. The ones who do are wise.

Energy Cards

41 - Flying Horseshoe 42 - Grooming 43 - Hoof Care 44 - Jodhpurs
45 - Jumping Saddle 46 - Riding Boots 47 - Riding Lesson 48 - Rug
49 - Training Saddle 50 - Treasure Key    

Foil Cards

F1 - Cajus
The worlds happiness comes from having happy thoughts.
F2 - Lucky Light
Always be clear and brave.
F3 - Ming
Be open and take care of what is necessary.
F4 - Mushu
Find a peaceful place where you can gather new energy.
F5 - Peace
Those who don't think of winning or losing have peace in mind.

Promo Cards

PF1 - Tao
The whole world is at your feet.

Not for Sale
For Reference Purposes Only