Last Updated: 19 April 2022 19 April 2022

Native Lights · Baby Bella

“Magical Friends” (Violet Border) (June 2008)
37 common cards, 37 rare cards, 12 energy cards, 37 foil cards and 4 postcards.

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Also Available in:
French -- Mes Amis Magiques
German -- Zauberhafte Gefährten
Italian -- Magici Amici
Spanish -- Amigos Magicos

Common Cards

01 - Anigan
Find something about this moment that makes you laugh.
02 - Arelus
A happy memory can bring you joy right now.
03 - Atalaya
Use kind words when you talk about yourself.
04 - Azuro
Know that you are loved for who you really are.
05 - Beau
Choose to do what you feel is right.
06 - Blossom
Close your eyes and imagine your wildest dream.
07 - Bonnie
When you do something wrong, learn from it and forgive yourself.
08 - Brumby
Let go and enjoy the ride!
09 - Connora
Spend time with a friend. Do something you both enjoy.
10 - Donnecha
This moment is full of chances for you to grow and learn.
11 - Dreki
More listening and less talking can make things better.
12 - Dyni
Find something to do that makes you happy.
13 - Edda
You don't have to be perfect. Do your best and you will be just right.
14 - Felise
When you feel pain, listen to what it is trying to tell you.
15 - Giasa
Trust your feelings. They will tell you what to do.
16 - Greenlock
Only you know what is right for you.
17 - Icehorn
Open your heart to all sorts of wonderful dreams!
18 - Kitty
Being happy helps your friends feel happy too.
19 - Kounari
When someone does something nice for you, enjoy it!
20 - Lukan
You can make this a moment you will always remember.
21 - Madeja
Let others make their own choices in life.
22 - Nieva
You can always get the help you need. Just as for it.
23 - Nori
Accept the past and move on to wonderful new things.
24 - Nuala
Feel the magic in your heart. Use it to give you energy.
25 - Pelagos
Be gentle with yourself and others.
26 - Petri
Talk about your feelings. Be open and honest.
27 - Rosebriar
The world is full of freedom and love for you to find.
28 - Sabelle
You are a treasure. Unlock the beauty inside you.
29 - Savros
Always keep the lessons you have learned safe inside your heart.
30 - Scotty
Make every step you take magical!
31 - Serilda
Value your strengths and they will grow.
32 - Socorro
True happiness comes from inside.
33 - Tigrine
No matter what happens, you can choose the peaceful way.
34 - Tugo
Cheerful thoughts give you energy and faith.
35 - Virstan
Be curious. It will lead you to learn new things.
36 - Waterpearl
You can change what you do and still be yourself.
37 - Zephan
Look at yourself with kindess and love.

Rare Cards

38 - Anemone
Keep your heart open. Believe in getting and giving love.
39 - Ara
You have the power to forget anger and get along again.
40 - Autumn
Finishing what you've started gives you energy.
41 - Bathylas
When you try something new, you learn and grow.
42 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
43 - Beran
You can choose this moment to change yourself.
44 - Cate
The power of love can help you do what you need to do.
45 - Ceratos
You live in a world of amazing abundance. Believe it!
46 - Cha Ye
Smart people got that way by asking questions.
47 - Chryso
Daring to try is a success in iteself.
48 - Cindra
Let hope lift up your thoughts.
49 - Edana
Start your day with a happy thought.
50 - Faith
Have faith that the world is full of love to give you.
51 - Faxon
Learn more about your family. You will feel closer to them.
52 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
53 - Hai Sheng
Tell the truth, but do it with love.
54 - Ivy
Wish only for what you really want.
55 - Jaida
Take good care of yourself. Be healthy and happy.
56 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
57 - Kallista
You are in this world to make it better.
58 - Kendra
Change is a part of life. Learn to enjoy it.
59 - Lien
The most important time in your life is right now.
60 - Lillova
Love has no conditions.
61 - Mellonie
Joy and laughter make their own good luck.
62 - Mireldis
Look for help and you will find it all around you.
63 - Morewyn
Letting go of anger and blame gives you more power and energy.
64 - Nerise
This moment is unique. Make it count!
65 - Nyx
Let your life take you to exciting places.
66 - Obrylin
A cheerful mind keeps you feeling healthy and strong.
67 - Ondine
Make every day an adventure!
68 - Phoenix
Learning feeds your sense of wonder.
69 - Quinly
Go looking for joy! You will find it all around you.
70 - Royce
Trust yourself to choose the path that's right for you.
71 - Seraphia
You already know what to do. Go ahead and do it!
72 - Sleetmane
Imagine your wish. Have faith that it will come true.
73 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
74 - Tricksy
Spend time with true friends who understand you.

Energy Cards

75 - Angelic Cavy 76 - Citrustack 77 - Cycargot 78 - Finling
79 - Flitterwyrm 80 - Regal Strider 81 - Steampoppo 82 - Tomtomme
83 - Treeblix 84 - Tunnel Runner 85 - Twig Hare 86 - Verdant Liona

Foil Cards

S1 - Anisinabe
Keep your heart open. Believe in getting and giving love.
S2 - Ara
You have the power to forget anger and get along again.
S3 - Autumn
Finishing what you've started gives you energy.
S4 - Bathylas
When you try something new, you learn and grow.
S5 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
S6 - Beran
You can choose this moment to change yourself.
S7 - Cate
The power of love can help you do what you need to do.
S8 - Ceratos
You live in a world of amazing abundance. Believe it!
S9 - Cha Ye
Smart people got that way by asking questions.
S10 - Chryso
Daring to try is a success in iteself.
S11 - Cindra
Let hope lift up your thoughts.
S12 - Edana
Start your day with a happy thought.
S13 - Faith
Have faith that the world is full of love to give you.
S14 - Faxon
Learn more about your family. You will feel closer to them.
S15 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
S16 - Hai Sheng
Tell the truth, but do it with love.
S17 - Ivy
Wish only for what you really want.
S18 - Jaida
Take good care of yourself. Be healthy and happy.
S19 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
S20 - Kallista
You are in this world to make it better.
S21 - Kendra
Change is a part of life. Learn to enjoy it.
S22 - Lien
The most important time in your life is right now.
S23 - Lillova
Love has no conditions.
S24 - Mellonie
Joy and laughter make their own good luck.
S25 - Mireldis
Look for help and you will find it all around you.
S26 - Morewyn
Letting go of anger and blame gives you more power and energy.
S27 - Nerise
This moment is unique. Make it count!
S28 - Nyx
Let your life take you to exciting places.
S29 - Obrylin
A cheerful mind keeps you feeling healthy and strong.
S30 - Ondine
Make every day an adventure!
S31 - Phoenix
Learning feeds your sense of wonder.
S32 - Quinly
Go looking for joy! You will find it all around you.
S33 - Royce
Trust yourself to choose the path that's right for you.
S34 - Seraphia
You already know what to do. Go ahead and do it!
S35 - Sleetmane
Imagine your wish. Have faith that it will come true.
S36 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
S37 - Tricksy
Spend time with true friends who understand you.

Promo Cards

Postcard 1 Postcard 2 Postcard 3 Postcard 4

Not for Sale
For Reference Purposes Only