Last Updated: 19 April 2022 19 April 2022

Ancient Lights · Native Lights

“Mythology” (Rose Border) (November 2007)
56 common cards, 34 rare cards, 20 energy cards, 34 foil cards, and 8 promo cards.

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Also Available in:
French -- Mythologie
German -- Sagenwelt
Italian -- Mitologia

Common Cards

01 - Achilles
Have the courage to learn from your weaknesses and grow stronger.
02 - Aphaia
Dare to loosen your grip for a while. You will see things differently.
03 - Aphrodite
Look for beauty where you least expect it.
04 - Aurora
Nature's energy is all around you every moment.
05 - Bosi
Use all your abilities to make this a beautiful place.
06 - Brisi
Let's celebrate -- come dance with me!
07 - Bukefalos
Life is not about anger. It is about peace.
08 - Ceres
When you feed your spirit, things around you will grow.
09 - Charlie
Make time to listen to your friends.
10 - Clio
Let your ideas flow. They are meant to be used.
11 - Colour
Feel the joy in what you see, hear and sense.
12 - Cupid
Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.
13 - Cybele
Believe in the abundance of love that surrounds you.
14 - Danu
Life is full of surprises. Enjoy it!
15 - Demeter
Take care of yourself and others. Feel the joy it brings you.
16 - Diana
Take care of nature. Let the world stay a beautiful place to live.
17 - Donn
Share your good feelings and they will come back to you.
18 - Echo
Tell others what is important to you.
19 - Eirene
Every moment is a new chance for you to make things better.
20 - Embarr
Listen to the music of my heart.
21 - Epona
Thank you for being honest with me and with yourself.
22 - Firewalker
Belief give you the courage to move forward and take chances.
23 - Flora
Open like a flower and show your inner beauty.
24 - Fylgie
Open your arms to all that is good.
25 - Gaia
The world is a magical place. Enjoy it!
26 - Graia
Spread your wings and be free!
27 - Hera
Be the leader in your own life.
28 - Hestia
When you share, everyone feels happy.
29 - Iduna
Feel the beauty inside you and let it blossom.
30 - Juno
Use your life to create, be joyful, and celebrate!
31 - Jupiter
Be willing to forgive.
32 - Kelpie-Pooka
Believe in the goodness of life.
33 - Mandalay
This is a magical moment. You can make a wish.
34 - Mjolnir
A generous heart is good at loving and being loved.
35 - Moonlight
Trust the moon and the stars. Then your dreams are coming through.
36 - Mystery
Allow yourself to wish for what you want.
37 - Opis
Being kind and generous creates love in the world around you.
38 - Pandora
Open your heart. Let its beauty shine.
39 - Persephone
Focus your energy on a special purpose and it will be more powerful.
40 - Rauni
Be honest and do things with love.
41 - Rhiannon
See and hear the magic all around you.
42 - Rimfaxe
Give others the gift of your love.
43 - Saga
Join me and we will be happy together.
44 - Selene
You cannot lose your real treasure. Faith opens big doors.
45 - Skipper
Believe in your worth. You are valuable.
46 - Sleipnir
You are unique. Let others see what makes you special.
47 - Sokki
Seize the day.
48 - Star
It is not what you do but who you are that is important.
49 - Thalia
Music and dancing give us energy.
50 - Thor
Learn to trust in the people who care about you.
51 - Urania
You are a great person. Enjoy being yourself!
52 - Urd
Believe in life and everything it has to offer you.
53 - Vesta
We all have unique gifts we can share by working together.
54 - Viking
Bring all that is good in life to your friendships.
55 - Walter
I love your company. Let's have a good time together.
56 - Yasmin
Retreat and gather new energy for taking steps on the road.

Rare Cards

57 - Amor
Use your love to bring peace to the world.
58 - Apollo
Lots of small steps make big dreams come true.
59 - Athena
Be yourself, be free, and allow others the same freedom.
60 - Balto
Happiness is a decision. Decide to be happy.
61 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
62 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
63 - Bello
Life is a gift. Receive it and love it.
64 - Bifrost
Where love is there are always miracles.
65 - Conall
Feel the courage inside you.
66 - Eurynome
Everything is easier when you focus on what you're doing.
67 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
68 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
69 - Froya
Life is magical. Embrace it.
70 - Hecate
You are perfect just as you are!
71 - Iceking
Hope is like magic. It keeps you full of energy.
72 - Iris
Follow the rainbow. Believe in happiness.
73 - Janus
Do the best you can!
74 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
75 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
76 - Jonas
Live out your dreams every day. This day will never come again.
77 - Lakehorse
Share what you know with others. It will make you stronger.
78 - Melusine
Be yourself as you want others to see you.
79 - Misla
With me you will be safe and protected by heaven.
80 - Naiad
Something good is about to happen!
81 - Neptune
Take what is good from the past and wrap it in the future.
82 - Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
83 - Ran
Enjoy a life of beauty and ease.
84 - Signy
Beauty and mystery go hand in hand.
85 - Skinfaxe
Let the sun shine through the darkness and light your path.
86 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
87 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
88 - Triton
Always expect the best.
89 - Uranus
The powers of the universe flow around you and in you. Let them guide you.
90 - Venus
Spread your joy around for all the share.

Energy Cards

91 - Antique Flowerpot 92 - Anvil & Hammer 93 - Aphrodite's Gown 94 - Apollo's Lyre
95 - Athena's Chariot 96 - Horseshoe Water Fountain 97 - Lawn Gnome 98 - Lilac Gazebo
99 - Mercury's Boots 100 - Moonlight Tiara 101 - Olympic Statue 102 - Poseidon's Trident
103 - Primrose Lamppost 104 - Shade Tree 105 - Squirrel Sentinel 106 - Triton's Horn
107 - Vulcan's Horseshoes 108 - Weathervane 109 - Winged Horse Statue 110 - Wishing Well

Foil Cards

S1 - Amor
Use your love to bring peace to the world.
S2 - Apollo
Lots of small steps make big dreams come true.
S3 - Athena
Be yourself, be free, and allow others the same freedom.
S4 - Balto
Happiness is a decision. Decide to be happy.
S5 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
S6 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
S7 - Bello
Life is a gift. Receive it and love it.
S8 - Bifrost
Where love is there are always miracles.
S9 - Conall
Feel the courage inside you.
S10 - Eurynome
Everything is easier when you focus on what you're doing.
S11 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
S12 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
S13 - Froya
Life is magical. Embrace it.
S14 - Hecate
You are perfect just as you are!
S15 - Iceking
Hope is like magic. It keeps you full of energy.
S16 - Iris
Follow the rainbow. Believe in happiness.
S17 - Janus
Do the best you can!
S18 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
S19 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
S20 - Jonas
Live out your dreams every day. This day will never come again.
S21 - Lakehorse
Share what you know with others. It will make you stronger.
S22 - Melusine
Be yourself as you want others to see you.
S23 - Misla
With me you will be safe and protected by heaven.
S24 - Naiad
Something good is about to happen!
S25 - Neptune
Take what is good from the past and wrap it in the future.
S26 - Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
S27 - Ran
Enjoy a life of beauty and ease.
S28 - Signy
Beauty and mystery go hand in hand.
S29 - Skinfaxe
Let the sun shine through the darkness and light your path.
S30 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
S31 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
S32 - Triton
Always expect the best.
S33 - Uranus
The powers of the universe flow around you and in you. Let them guide you.
S34 - Venus
Spread your joy around for all the share.

Promo Cards

P1 - Boreas
Take on a challenge and you will earn strength and courage.
P2 - Brigid
Be the kind of person the world needs.
P3 - Erinn
Know yourself and you will know others.
P4 - Euros
Look for the truth in unexpected places.
P5 - Lugh
Use your quick mind to solve your problems.
P6 - Notos
Your heart is big enough to chase your wildest dreams.
P7 - Nuada
There is no magic stronger than trying again.
P8 - Zephyros
Every day, you choose who you will become.

Not for Sale
For Reference Purposes Only