Last Updated: 03 May 2022 03 May 2022

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“Second Series” (Gold Border) (March 2007)
58 common cards, 27 rare cards, 12 energy cards, 27 foil cards and 3 promo cards.

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Also Available in:
French -- Deuxieme Serie
German -- Grundserie
Italian -- Prima Serie
Spanish -- Primera Serie

Common Cards

01 - Alibi
Find new ways to be with others.
02 - Artemis
I will help you have courage and pride.
03 - Beauty
Bring one of your friends and come play with me.
04 - Blackie
Follow your dreams. Feel the happiness it brings.
05 - Bosi
Use all your abilities to make this a beautiful place.
06 - Cantaro
Develop your ability to lead. Ask a wise person for advice.
07 - Cascadeur
The things you have lost will come back by themselves.
08 - Charlie
Make time to listen to your friends.
09 - Yung
Don't be afraid. Show who you are.
10 - Chung
Let go of pain and sorrow. The road will open and everything will go right.
11 - Colour
Feel the joy in what you see, hear and sense.
12 - Dynamo
Believe in yourself. Have confidence in what you do.
13 - Eagle
See the world from above like an eagle.
14 - Feng
This moment is full of opportunities.
15 - Filippa
Enjoy what you have got. You don't need what you have not.
16 - Flame
I run faster than the wind. Follow me and we will find a magical place.
17 - Friends
Think of all the good that exists in your friendships.
18 - Grey
If you really want it, it will come to you.
19 - Halloween
I will keep you safe.
20 - Hercules
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
21 - Honey
Create something beautiful. It will make you feel peaceful.
22 - Jojo
You create your own reality.
23 - Jonathan
It is time for joyful playing. Joy creates miracles.
24 - King
I will help you spread peace and unity throughout the world.
25 - Kio
Your strength comes from within.
26 - Konfu
Move toward your goals. The road is open.
27 - Leonard
Your life is a sundance.
28 - Leonardo
When you hear me neigh feel the joy we have.
29 - Lucas
Run with me and you will feel the strength and power inside you.
30 - Lucky Light
Always be clear and brave.
31 - Luna
A wonderful and exiciting world awaits you.
32 - Macon
It is wise to accept that there are things you can't do.
33 - Mandalay
This is a magical moment. You can make a wish.
34 - Ming
Be open and take care of what is necessary.
35 - Misty
You have Misty's touch right now, and everything you start turns to gold.
36 - Moonlight
Trust the moon and the stars. Then your dreams are coming through.
37 - Mushu
Find a peaceful place where you can gather new energy.
38 - Nanna
Think positively. Your happy thoughts will grow.
39 - Nikita
You may join us if you like.
40 - Ninja
Be careful every minute.
41 - Peace
Those who don't think of winning or losing have peace in mind.
42 - Pedro
Do everything with joy. I love to see you happy.
43 - Pink Lady
I am the spirit of your inner child. Be joyful and see the world as a magical place.
44 - Rose
Listen to your dreams. What they tell you is important.
45 - Saga
Join me and we will be happy together.
46 - Santos
Be mindful of your senses and your intuition.
47 - Sarah
Take a chance and follow your heart.
48 - Sasha
Make your goals magnificent.
49 - Shakira
Goodness and generosity create loving energy.
50 - Sheng
Understand the past. Hold on to the great things and move forward alone.
51 - Skipper
Believe in your worth. You are valuable.
52 - Sokki
Seize the day.
53 - Star
It is not what you do but who you are that is important.
54 - Sung
Retreat from conflicts and go to where you feel safe.
55 - Tai
Be resolute and energetic in what you do.
56 - Walter
I love your company. Let's have a good time together.
57 - Yasmin
Retreat and gather new energy for taking steps on the road.
58 - Yellow
Spend time with me and you will get your heart's desire.

Rare Cards

59 - Angel
Angel is coming. Make space and let heaven help you.
60 - Balto
Happiness is a decision. Decide to be happy.
61 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
62 - Bellisimo
Trust yourself and you will know how to live.
63 - Bello
Life is a gift. Receive it and love it.
64 - Cajus
The world's happiness comes from having happy thoughts.
65 - Dino
Look for the peace behind power and energy.
66 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
67 - Flipper
I will embrace you with extra energy and magic. Then you don't have to be afraid.
68 - Freja
Close your eyes and hear the sound around you.
69 - Hummingbird
Go after the point of life.
70 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
71 - Lancelot
Be patient. Wait for the right moment before you take action.
72 - Mermaid
Laugh from your heart and feel the joy.
73 - Misla
With me you will be safe and protected by heaven.
74 - Parlez
Make a plan and commit completely to it.
75 - Pegasus
Your dreams are coming through. I am here to help you trust.
76 - Rain
Run with me and feel the power.
77 - Roxy
Magical opportunities surround you.
78 - Shaman
You are more powerful than you realize. It is safe and good for you to be powerful.
79 - Spottie
Play with me and your life will become an adventure.
80 - Tao
The whole world is at your feet.
81 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
82 - Tiffi
Paradise is a state of mind.
83 - Treasure
Follow me beneath the waves. See the beauty and the space.
84 - Wavebreaker
I am your gift from the sea. Learn my tricks from me.
85 - Yin and Yang
You always have a choice.

Energy Cards

86 - Grooming 87 - Halter 88 - Hoof Care 89 - Jodhpurs
90 - Jumping Saddle 91 - Riding Boots 92 - Riding Hat 93 - Riding Lesson
94 - Blanket 95 - Training Saddle 96 - Flying Horseshoe 97 - Treasure Key

Foil Cards

F1 - Angel
Angel is coming. Make space and let heaven help you.
F2 - Balto
Happiness is a decision. Decide to be happy.
F3 - Bella
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
F4 - Bellisimo
Trust yourself and you will know how to live.
F5 - Bello
Life is a gift. Receive it and love it.
F6 - Cajus
The world's happiness comes from having happy thoughts.
F7 - Dino
Look for the peace behind power and energy.
F8 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
F9 - Flipper
I will embrace you with extra energy and magic. Then you don't have to be afraid.
F10 - Freja
Close your eyes and hear the sound around you.
F11 - Hummingbird
Go after the point of life.
F12 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
F13 - Lancelot
Be patient. Wait for the right moment before you take action.
F14 - Mermaid
Laugh from your heart and feel the joy.
F15 - Misla
With me you will be safe and protected by heaven.
F16 - Parlez
Make a plan and commit completely to it.
F17 - Pegasus
Your dreams are coming through. I am here to help you trust.
F18 - Rain
Run with me and feel the power.
F19 - Roxy
Magical opportunities surround you.
F20 - Shaman
You are more powerful than you realize. It is safe and good for you to be powerful.
F21 - Spottie
Play with me and your life will become an adventure.
F22 - Tao
The whole world is at your feet.
F23 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
F24 - Tiffi
Paradise is a state of mind.
F25 - Treasure
Follow me beneath the waves. See the beauty and the space.
F26 - Wavebreaker
I am your gift from the sea. Learn my tricks from me.
F27 - Yin and Yang
You always have a choice.

Promo Cards

P - Apuni
Dream soaring dreams and wake ready to fly.
P1 - Excelsior
Every new journey begins with the first step.
VPF1 - Sunny
The wind blows. The sun is shining. Surround yourself with positive friends.

Not for Sale
For Reference Purposes Only

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