Last Updated: 19 April 2022 19 April 2022

Bella's Ball · Moonfairies

“Sunflowers” (Yellow Border) (March 2010)
38 horse cards, 6 horse & friends cards, 1 friend card, 10 storyboard cards, 55 foil cards, 2 promo cards and 6 lenticular cards

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Also Available in:
French -- Fleurs du Soleil
German -- Sonnenblumen

Common Cards

01 - Autumn
Finishing what you've started gives you energy.
Friend of Hawthorn
02 - Beran
You can choose this moment to change yourself.
Husband of Rosebriar
03 - Bluebell
Our friendship keeps us strong and free.
Daughter of Flora
04 - Bluefiddle
Good things will appear at the right time.
Minstrelle of Herd Sunflower
05 - Briar
Believing in yourself makes things go better for you.
Son of Rosebriar & Beran
06 - Buttercup
Let your heart guide you.
Page of Herd Sunflower
07 - Calyx
We can climb mountains together.
Daughter of Rosebriar & Beran
08 - Camellia
You are the only one who knows which path to take.
Chatelaine of Herd Sunflower
09 - Cattail
New changes will unfold if you let them.
Grass Sea Coach Horse
10 - Cayenne
Imagine yourself as a winner and you will grow and flower.
Johan's Steed
11 - Ceratos
You live in a world of amazing abundance. Believe it!
Friend of Larkspur
12 - Cinnamon
Happiness comes from doing things that really matter to you.
Wife of Nutmeg
13 - Dewsparkle
Give yourself time to rest. You can do more later.
Dew Pony
14 - Dowager
Your kindness is as beautiful as a garden full of flowers.
Guardian of the Rolanddotter Orchid Garden
15 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
Guardian of the Desert Rose
16 - Flora
Open like a flower and show your inner beauty.
Mother of Bluebell
17 - Foxglove
Facing your fear is a way to get through it.
King of Herd Sunflower
18 - Foxtail
A joyful life is waiting for you.
Prince of Herd Sunflower
19 - Generosity
Find love by making someone else's day brighter.
Friend of Violet
20 - Hawthorn
When something comes to an end, new things can begin.
Steward of Herd Sunflower
21 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
Guardian of the Ocean Hibiscus
22 - Larkspur
Leaving anger behind is a gift you can give yourself.
Jester of Herd Sunflower
23 - Lavender
You are like a magic flower, shining with beauty and harmony.
Princess of Herd Sunflower
24 - Lotus
Focus on feeling as if your wishes have come true. Miracles will happen.
Twin of Waterlily
25 - Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
Guardian of the Ionic Laurel
26 - Nutmeg
Protect nature. It is unique, just like you are.
Husband of Cinnamon
27 - Oracle
Look again. The most important things are often the hardest to see.
Guardian of the Pool of Reflection
28 - Petal
Plan a sweet surprise for someone.
Daughter of Rosebriar & Beran
29 - Reed
Don't be afraid of changes. They can deepen your friendships.
Grass Sea Coach Horse
30 - Rosebriar
The world is full of freedom and love for you to find.
Wife of Beran
31 - Saffron
Your encouragement can be an inspiration to others.
Queen of Herd Sunflower
32 - Shasta Daisy
Look for your special gifts and love what you find.
Friend of Buttercup
33 - Snapdragon
Now is a good time to do what you promised yourself to do.
Knight of Herd Sunflower
34 - Sunflower
Look for the abundance of beauty all around you.
Patron of Herd Sunflower
35 - Tarragon
Value those you love, including yourself.
Friend of Snapdragon
36 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
Guardian of the Winter Snowdrop
37 - Violet
Joy gives you the power to reach your goals.
Lady of Herd Sunflower
38 - Waterlily
You can begin your journey whenever you want.
Twin of Lotus
39 - Bella & Sara
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
High Queen & Goddess of Horses
40 - Seraphia & Tyri
You already know what to do. Go ahead and do it!
Valkyrie Steed & Valkyrie Teacher
41 - Soot & Colm
Love who you are. Believe in who you can be.
Fiery Steed & Emma's Cousin
42 - Twig & Deru
Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.
Dryads of Drasilmare
43 - Wings & Emma
Believe in your friends and help them find their wings.
Valkyrie Steed & Sigga's Heir
44 - Ivenna & Myrfor
Story Quote: "Only the savage and the wild are free."
Leader of the Wolf Riders & Alpha Wolf
45 - Johan
Story Quote: "May this bloom help you find what you seek."
Keeper of the Sunstone
  46 - Intruder
Ivenna the Wolf Rider sneaks into Bella's Ball to kidnap the Starstone Otter. She wants to use the otter's Starstone to find nine more magic pendants Sara gave to the founders of the great herds. Ivenna hopes the pendants will let her control the lost herds. While Tyri tries to save the otter, Emma sets off to find the herds before Ivenna does.
47 - Emma & Friends
As they hurry to start their quest, Emma, Deru, and Colm run into reporter Penny Inkwell, who begs them to pose for a quick pictures for the Canter Hallow Post. The three firends then pick up their steeds at the stables and fly off to see Oracle, a horse who can help them see the way forward. They must find the lost herds before Ivenna does!
48 - Pool of Reflection
On her quest to find the lost herds Emma visits the wise horse Oracle at the Pool of Reflection. There she meets a gardener named Johan, who offers to help. He gives Emma part of the Sunstone, a flower-shaped pendant whose petals are hidden in gardens around the world. If she can put the Sunstone together again, it will lead her to Herd Sunflower.
49 - First Petal
Emma's quest to find the lost horse herds takes her to Aria, an oasis in the Autumn Sands Desert guarded by the legendary horse Fiona. There Emma and friends discover a crystal flower called the Desert Rose, which turns into one of the missing Sunstone petals. If they can find the other petals, the Sunstone will help them find Herd Sunflower.
50 - Wolf Attack
Emma and friends arrive at the Midwinter Mountains, where they are attacked by Ivenna and her wolves! Emma bravely pulls the Winter Snowdrop from a wolf's mount, and it turns into one of the missing Sunstone petals. While the legendary horse Thunder holds off the wolves, the friends ride off to find the other petals and restore the Sunstone.
51 - Family Reunion
Emma, Colm and Deru find the last Sunstone petal in the Rolanddotter Orchid Garden. Now they can put the Sunestone back together and find Herd Sunflower! Emma cries with joy when she sees a friend she thought had passed away: Dowager, mother of Emma's steed, Wings, and Colm's steed, Soot. Horses who die on Earth come to live in North of North.
52 - Sunstone
Emma tries to put the Sunstone together, but the third petal is damaged. Only the completed Sunstone can guide her to the horses of Herd Sunflower -- she must find them before Ivenna does! Luckily, her friend Shine Anders, a jeweler, is able to repair the Sunstone in no time. It burns brightly in Emma's hands, reflecting the image of a running horse.
53 - Rainbow Path
Back at Rolandsgaard Emma finds one of Sigga's old jewelry boxes and hangs the completed Sunstone pendant in its lid for safekeeping. When sunlight hits the Sunstone, the box snaps shut and a path of sparkling rainbow light shoots from the box off into the sky. Emma hopes she and her friends will find Herd Sunflower at the other end of the rainbow.
54 - Flower Maze
The quest to find Herd Sunflower leads Emma, Colm, and Deru deep into the Jasmine Forest -- where Ivenna and her wolves are waiting for them! The friends charge down different paths of a huge maze of flower bushes, hoping to lose the wolves in its twists and turns. Soon the maze itself begins to help, tripping and grabbing wolves with its branches.
55 - Petalhome
At last, Emma finds Petalhome, the castle of Herd Sunflower. But she sees no horses, only huge flowers -- and her friends are turning into flowers too! Fast-thinking Emma puts the magical Sunstone pendant on a sunflower, which turns into the horse Sunflower, founder of the great herd. Sunflower changes everyone back to normal, revealing her lost herd.

Foil Cards

S1 - Autumn
Finishing what you've started gives you energy.
Friend of Hawthorn
S2 - Beran
You can choose this moment to change yourself.
Husband of Rosebriar
S3 - Bluebell
Our friendship keeps us strong and free.
Daughter of Flora
S4 - Bluefiddle
Good things will appear at the right time.
Minstrelle of Herd Sunflower
S5 - Briar
Believing in yourself makes things go better for you.
Son of Rosebriar & Beran
S6 - Buttercup
Let your heart guide you.
Page of Herd Sunflower
S7 - Calyx
We can climb mountains together.
Daughter of Rosebriar & Beran
S8 - Camellia
You are the only one who knows which path to take.
Chatelaine of Herd Sunflower
S9 - Cattail
New changes will unfold if you let them.
Grass Sea Coach Horse
S10 - Cayenne
Imagine yourself as a winner and you will grow and flower.
Johan's Steed
S11 - Ceratos
You live in a world of amazing abundance. Believe it!
Friend of Larkspur
S12 - Cinnamon
Happiness comes from doing things that really matter to you.
Wife of Nutmeg
S13 - Dewsparkle
Give yourself time to rest. You can do more later.
Dew Pony
S14 - Dowager
Your kindness is as beautiful as a garden full of flowers.
Guardian of the Rolanddotter Orchid Garden
S15 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
Guardian of the Desert Rose
S16 - Flora
Open like a flower and show your inner beauty.
Mother of Bluebell
S17 - Foxglove
Facing your fear is a way to get through it.
King of Herd Sunflower
S18 - Foxtail
A joyful life is waiting for you.
Prince of Herd Sunflower
S19 - Generosity
Find love by making someone else's day brighter.
Friend of Violet
S20 - Hawthorn
When something comes to an end, new things can begin.
Steward of Herd Sunflower
S21 - Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
Guardian of the Ocean Hibiscus
S22 - Larkspur
Leaving anger behind is a gift you can give yourself.
Jester of Herd Sunflower
S23 - Lavender
You are like a magic flower, shining with beauty and harmony.
Princess of Herd Sunflower
S24 - Lotus
Focus on feeling as if your wishes have come true. Miracles will happen.
Twin of Waterlily
S25 - Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
Guardian of the Ionic Laurel
S26 - Nutmeg
Protect nature. It is unique, just like you are.
Husband of Cinnamon
S27 - Oracle
Look again. The most important things are often the hardest to see.
Guardian of the Pool of Reflection
S28 - Petal
Plan a sweet surprise for someone.
Daughter of Rosebriar & Beran
S29 - Reed
Don't be afraid of changes. They can deepen your friendships.
Grass Sea Coach Horse
S30 - Rosebriar
The world is full of freedom and love for you to find.
Wife of Beran
S31 - Saffron
Your encouragement can be an inspiration to others.
Queen of Herd Sunflower
S32 - Shasta Daisy
Look for your special gifts and love what you find.
Friend of Buttercup
S33 - Snapdragon
Now is a good time to do what you promised yourself to do.
Knight of Herd Sunflower
S34 - Sunflower
Look for the abundance of beauty all around you.
Patron of Herd Sunflower
S35 - Tarragon
Value those you love, including yourself.
Friend of Snapdragon
S36 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
Guardian of the Winter Snowdrop
S37 - Violet
Joy gives you the power to reach your goals.
Lady of Herd Sunflower
S38 - Waterlily
You can begin your journey whenever you want.
Twin of Lotus
S39 - Bella & Sara
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
High Queen & Goddess of Horses
S40 - Seraphia & Tyri
You already know what to do. Go ahead and do it!
Valkyrie Steed & Valkyrie Teacher
S41 - Soot & Colm
Love who you are. Believe in who you can be.
Fiery Steed & Emma's Cousin
S42 - Twig & Deru
Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.
Dryads of Drasilmare
S43 - Wings & Emma
Believe in your friends and help them find their wings.
Valkyrie Steed & Sigga's Heir
S44 - Ivenna & Myrfor
Story Quote: "Only the savage and the wild are free."
Leader of the Wolf Riders & Alpha Wolf
S45 - Johan
Story Quote: "May this bloom help you find what you seek."
Keeper of the Sunstone
S46 - Intruder S47 - Emma & Friends S48 - Pool of Reflection
49 - First Petal 50 - Wolf Attack 51 - Family Reunion 52 - Sunstone
53 - Rainbow Path 54 - Flower Maze 55 - Petalhome  

Horseshoe Cards Cards

Copper 250 Horseshoe Card Silver 350 Horseshoe Card Gold 500 Horseshoe Card Horseshoe Card Back
Series Card Back      


Bella Sara Logo Bella & Sara Johan & Cayenne Sunflower
Wings & Emma Saffron & Lavender Bluebell & Flora Hawthorn & Camillia
Nutmeg & Cinnamon Foxglove & Foxtail    

Lenticular Cards

Emma & Wings
Emma Roland is the smart, determined heir of the great Valkyrie leader Sigga, and curious Wings is her magical steed. Now they are ready to begin their first Valkyrie quest: to find the lost horse herds and protect them from the fearsome Wolf Riders. With the magic Sunstone, Emma will try to find Herd Sunflowers first.
Flora & Bluebell
Flora is one of the few Sunflower horses who didn't go into hiding with the rest of the herd. She and her husband Skipper had faith that Sara and Bella would protect them. Their daughter, Bluebell, is one of the many new foals born last year. She is excited to meet the rest of Herd Sunflower and hopes Emma will find them soon.
Foxglove & Foxtail
Foxglove is the loyal, reliable king of Herd Sunflower. His wife, Queen Saffron, depends on him to help her get things done. Their son, Prince Foxtail, wants to be just like his dad. He is a little shy, but that doesn't stop him from exploring and finding out all he can about the plants and animals of Jasmine Forest.
Saffron & Lavender
Saffron is the watchful queen of Herd Sunflower. All of the horses in her herd respect Saffron's leadership and listen to her advice -- except for her own daughter, mischievous Princess Lavender. Saffron loves Lavender's playful, sunny spirit but wishes she would slow down and pay more attention to what she's doing.
Sara & Bella
Sara is the kind, loving goddess of horses, and her steed, Bella, is the wisest and greatest of all horses in North of North. These powerful friends have done their best ot protect North of North and its great herds, but Herd Sunflower has gone into hiding. Now they must trust Emma and her friends to find the lost herd.
Sunflower & Petalhome
Sunflower is the patron of Herd Sunflower, a herd of plant horses whose motto is "Helping good things grow." Sunflower horses love to take care of nature and use their special gifts to make their world better. They live in Petalhome Castle, a beautiful castle formed by a circle of trees whoses branches have grown together.

Promo Cards

P1 - Aster P1 - Fairybell    

Not for Sale
For Reference Purposes Only