Last Updated: 12 October 2022 12 October 2022

Name Origin: This is the portrait model of Hollywood Dun It.
Sculptor: Carol Herden
Introduced: 1999
Breyer Mold: #478
Size: Classic

Realistic Colors

Buckskin Blanket Sooty
Slyder #712392 (2021 Collector Club)
NRHA 50th Anniversary Reiner #1766 (2016)
Chestnut Pinto
Gunner #701602 (2002 USET)
Chestnut Pinto Liver
Slyder #712392 (2021 Collector Club)
Hollywood Dun It #478 (1999 - 2004)
Dun Gotta Gun #1203 (2003 - 2004)
Hollywood Dun It Re-issue #478 (2010 World Equestrian Games)
Grey Dapple Dark
Slyder #712392 (2021 Collector Club)
Reining Horse & Rider Set WEG Games #9127 (2010)

Decorator Colors

None Yet    

SR = Special Run/Limited Edition, production run number unknown.

Breyer Naming Convention: Call a mold by the name of the very first release of that mold.
Stone Naming Convention: The breed the mold represents.