Last Updated: 06 September 2022 06 September 2022

Name Origin: The first release of this mold was as the Premier Club model Carrick.
Sculptor: Susan Carlton Sifton
Introduced: 2013
Breyer Mold: #724
Size: Traditional

Realistic Colors

Brass Hat #711281 (2018 Breyerfest Celebration Model)
Glossy Brass Hatt #711281G (2018 Breyerfest Contest)
Bay Leopard
Bonne Fete #711183 (2014 Breyerfest Tent)
Cortes C #1759 (2016 - 2017)
Glossy Cortes C #1759 (2016 Breyerfest Live Show Prize)
Black Pinto
Travis #301152 (2014 Tractor Supply Co)
Justify #9300 (2018 - 2020)
Cafe au Lait #712119 (2014 Big Easy Bash)
Grey Dapple
Caipirinha #711468 (2016 Breyerfest Volunteer)
Palomino Sabino
Carrick #90166 (2013 Premiere Club #1)

Decorator Colors

Gemsbok Antelope Pattern
Baruti #712387 (2021 Wild Animals #4)
Silver Charm
Bonne Fete Surprise #711183 (2014 Breyerfest Tent)

SR = Special Run/Limited Edition, production run number unknown.

Breyer Naming Convention: Call a mold by the name of the very first release of that mold.
Stone Naming Convention: The breed the mold represents.