Magical Chibis · Baby Icons

“Herds of North of North” (Beige Border) (November 2012)
42 horse cards, 1 friend cards, 12 storyboard cards, 55 foil cards and 2 promo cards

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Common Cards

01 - Bella & Sara
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
High Queen & Goddess of Horses
02 - Penny Inkwell
"Hello, my name is Penny Inkwell and I have a story to tell you."
Canter Hollow Storyteller
03 - Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
Patron of Herd Airistos
04 - Allegra
One special moment can fill your whole day with delight.
Countess of Herd Airistos
05 - Cindra
Let hope lift up your thoughts.
Maiden of Herd Airistos
06 - Uranus
The powers of the universe flow around you and in you. Let them guide you.
King of Herd Airistos
07 - Jewel
I will help you stay in a steady flow of abundance.
Patron of Herd Islandar
08 - Chumash
Relax and ride the waves of laughter that spread joy in the world.
Squire of Herd Islandar
09 - Edana
Start your day with a happy thought.
Queen of Herd Islandar
10 - Kora
I am proud to be your friend.
Princess of Herd Islandar
11 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
Patron of Herd Shahazar
12 - Nasim
Greet the morning sun. Let it awaken your mind and senses.
King of Herd Shahazar
13 - Shanti
Find a quiet place where you can think and dream in peace.
Chatelaine of Herd Shahazar
14 - Sirocco
One creative thought can start a storm of good ideas.
Princess of Herd Shahazar
15 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
Patron of Herd Valeryk
16 - Nieva
You can always get the help you need. Just ask for it.
Minstrelle of Herd Valeryk
17 - Sleetmane
Imagine your wish. Have faith that it will come true.
King of Herd Valeryk
18 - Starunna
It takes courage to love with your whole heart.
Lady of Herd Valeryk
19 - Sunflower
Look for the abundance of beauty all around you.
Patron of Herd Sunflower
20 - Bluefiddle
Good things will appear at the right time.
Minstrelle of Herd Sunflower
21 - Foxglove
Facing your fear is a way to get through it.
King of Herd Sunflower
22 - Lavender
You are like a magic flower, shining with beauty and harmony.
Princess of Herd Sunflower
23 - Moonfairy
Let the magical full moon inspire your imagination.
Patron of Herd Moonfairy
24 - Ambrosia
A warm hug brings hope.
Queen of Herd Moonfairy
25 - Mireldis
Look for help and you will find it all around you.
Seer of Herd Moonfairy
26 - Mote
In your imaginative mind anything is possible.
Red Fairy Queen's Steed
27 - Starlight
Believe it and it will work.
Patron of Herd Sunlight
28 - Andromeda
Love is shining down on you. Let it give you strength.
Princess of Herd Starlight
29 - Star
It is not what you do but who you are that is important.
Squire of Herd Starlight
30 - Tycho
Watch closely and remember what you see.
King of Herd Starlight
31 - Pantheon
What you have learned is inside you, always available when you need it.
Patron of Herd Pantheon
32 - Amor
Use your love to bring peace to the world.
Knight of Herd Pantheon
33 - Guinevere
You always have the strength to do what you know is right.
Maiden of Herd Pantheon
34 - Saturna
There will always be new places for you to explore.
Chatelaine of Herd Pantheon
35 - Elemyn
Give your friend a hug. You will get it back a thousand times.
Patron of Herd Elemyn
36 - Colour
Feel the joy in what you see, hear, and sense.
Countess of Herd Elemyn
37 - Jubilee
A heart that loves is forever young.
Queen of Herd Elemyn
38 - Lien
The most important time in your life is right now.
Maiden of Herd Elemyn
39 - Mustang
Love is the greatest gift you can give or receive.
Patron of Herd Mustang
40 - Lakota
Share life's richness with all people and creatures on earth.
Plain's Roamer
41 -Tlingit
Take the time you need to get to your goal.
Ocean Wanderer
42 - Zabarius
You can face any challenge with courage and strength.
Friend of Cade Traveler
43 - Ivenna & Myrfor
"Only the savage and wild are free."
Leader of the Wolf Riders & Alpha Wolf
44 - Airistos Castle
Herd Airistos honors Nike's quest for excellence. The horses of Herd Airistos set high goals for themselves and give their best to everything they do. Horses who work very hard to become better at what they do and who achieve especially worthy goals may be granted the Order of Nike and invited to join the nobility of Herd Airistos.
45 - Dawnstar Castle
Starlight founded this herd of shooting-star horses to honor the virtue of curiosity. The horses of Herd Starlight love to ask questions and aren't afraid to keep looking for answers, no matter where their search takes them. Horses who follow their curiosity and discover important things may be granted the Order of Starlight and invited to join the nobility of this great herd.
46 - Feywynd Castle
Moonfairy founded this herd of fairy horses to honor the virtue of insight. The horses of Herd Moonfairy know there is more to things than meets the eye, so they look beneath the surface to find the hidden truth. Horses who can see right to the heart of things may be granted the Order of Moonfairy and invited to join the nobility of this great herd.
47 - Ice Castle
Elemyn founded this herd of elemental horses to honor the virtue of harmony. The horses of Herd Elemyn come in all different kinds: water horses, air horses, fire horses, earth horses, and many others. Horses who value harmony and workd exceptionally well with others may be granted the Order of Elemyn and invited to join the nobility of this great herd.
48 - Islandar Castle
Herd Islandar honors Jewel's generosity and kindness. Like Jewel, the horses of Herd Islandar delight in sharing their realm's riches with others. But they believe it is even more important to share kind words and cheerful help with everyone. Horses who give freely and show outstanding kindness may be granted the Order of Jewel and invited to join the nobility of Herd Islandar.
49 - Parthamane Castle
Pantheon founded this herd of epic horses to honor the virtue of strength. The horses of Herd Pantheon know that to do glorious deeds like the heroes of legend, they need strength of body, mind,, heart, and character. Horses with the strength to do great deeds may be granted the Order of Pantheon and invited to join the nobility of this great herd.
50 - Petalhome Castle
Sunflower founded this herd of sun-kissed flower horses to honor the virtue of stewardship. The horses of Herd Sunflower love taking care of nature and using their magic to help plants grow. Horses who protect nature and make especially good use of their time and talents may be granted the Order of Sunflower and invited to join the nobility of this great herd.
51 - Rolandsgaard Castle
High Queen Bella, the first and greatest of horses, rules over all of North of North. All horses everywhere are descended from members of her own Herd Bellasara, named to honor Bella's special bond with Sara, the goddess of horses. But she grants the Order of Bella only to those whose wise minds are matched with loving hearts.
52 - Shahazar Castle
Herd Shahazar honors Fiona's creatively. Like Fiona, the horses of Herd Shahazar love to create works of imagination that inspire others. They also value thinkers who come up with great new ideas or invent better ways of doing things. Horses who show exceptional creative thinking may be granted the Order of Fiona and invited to join the nobility of Herd Shahazar.
53 - Styginmoor Castle
Ivenna the Wolf Rider lives with her pack in a castle called Styginmoor. Her mount, Myrfor, is the son of the terrible First Wolf, Fenrir. Myrfor rules the pack with harsh ferocity, and even Ivenna is a little bit afraid of him sometimes. The other wolves would follow Myrfor anywhere -- even down the Shadow Path, a haunted road made of dark magic.
54 - Valeryk Castle
Herd Valeryk honors Thunder's courage. Like Thunder, the horses of Herd Valeryk stand up for themselves, protect others, and speak out when something isn't right. They are brave when faced with challenges and dare to keep trying until they succeed. Horses who show amazing courage may be granted the Order of Thunder and invited to join the nobility of Herd Valeryk.
55 - Wildscape Castle
Mustang founded this herd of wild horses to honor the virtue of freedom. The horses of Herd Mustang don't live together in one place because they choose to follow their own paths. Unlike other herds, Mustangs don't have royalty or grant noble orders. All honorable, free-spirited horses are welcome to call themselves member of Herd Mustang.

Foil Cards

S1 - Bella & Sara
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
High Queen & Goddess of Horses
S2 - Penny Inkwell
"Hello, my name is Penny Inkwell and I have a story to tell you."
Canter Hollow Storyteller
S3 - Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
Patron of Herd Airistos
S4 - Allegra
One special moment can fill your whole day with delight.
Countess of Herd Airistos
S5 - Cindra
Let hope lift up your thoughts.
Maiden of Herd Airistos
S6 - Uranus
The powers of the universe flow around you and in you. Let them guide you.
King of Herd Airistos
S7 - Jewel
I will help you stay in a steady flow of abundance.
Patron of Herd Islandar
S8 - Chumash
Relax and ride the waves of laughter that spread joy in the world.
Squire of Herd Islandar
S9 - Edana
Start your day with a happy thought.
Queen of Herd Islandar
S10 - Kora
I am proud to be your friend.
Princess of Herd Islandar
S11 - Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
Patron of Herd Shahazar
S12 - Nasim
Greet the morning sun. Let it awaken your mind and senses.
King of Herd Shahazar
S13 - Shanti
Find a quiet place where you can think and dream in peace.
Chatelaine of Herd Shahazar
S14 - Sirocco
One creative thought can start a storm of good ideas.
Princess of Herd Shahazar
S15 - Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
Patron of Herd Valeryk
S16 - Nieva
You can always get the help you need. Just ask for it.
Minstrelle of Herd Valeryk
S17 - Sleetmane
Imagine your wish. Have faith that it will come true.
King of Herd Valeryk
S18 - Starunna
It takes courage to love with your whole heart.
Lady of Herd Valeryk
S19 - Sunflower
Look for the abundance of beauty all around you.
Patron of Herd Sunflower
S20 - Bluefiddle
Good things will appear at the right time.
Minstrelle of Herd Sunflower
S21 - Foxglove
Facing your fear is a way to get through it.
King of Herd Sunflower
S22 - Lavender
You are like a magic flower, shining with beauty and harmony.
Princess of Herd Sunflower
S23 - Moonfairy
Let the magical full moon inspire your imagination.
Patron of Herd Moonfairy
S24 - Ambrosia
A warm hug brings hope.
Queen of Herd Moonfairy
S25 - Mireldis
Look for help and you will find it all around you.
Seer of Herd Moonfairy
S26 - Mote
In your imaginative mind anything is possible.
Red Fairy Queen's Steed
S27 - Starlight
Believe it and it will work.
Patron of Herd Sunlight
S28 - Andromeda
Love is shining down on you. Let it give you strength.
Princess of Herd Starlight
S29 - Star
It is not what you do but who you are that is important.
Squire of Herd Starlight
S30 - Tycho
Watch closely and remember what you see.
King of Herd Starlight
S31 - Pantheon
What you have learned is inside you, always available when you need it.
Patron of Herd Pantheon
S32 - Amor
Use your love to bring peace to the world.
Knight of Herd Pantheon
S33 - Guinevere
You always have the strength to do what you know is right.
Maiden of Herd Pantheon
S34 - Saturna
There will always be new places for you to explore.
Chatelaine of Herd Pantheon
S35 - Elemyn
Give your friend a hug. You will get it back a thousand times.
Patron of Herd Elemyn
S36 - Colour
Feel the joy in what you see, hear, and sense.
Countess of Herd Elemyn
S37 - Jubilee
A heart that loves is forever young.
Queen of Herd Elemyn
S38 - Lien
The most important time in your life is right now.
Maiden of Herd Elemyn
S39 - Mustang
Love is the greatest gift you can give or receive.
Patron of Herd Mustang
S40 - Lakota
Share life's richness with all people and creatures on earth.
Plain's Roamer
S41 -Tlingit
Take the time you need to get to your goal.
Ocean Wanderer
S42 - Zabarius
You can face any challenge with courage and strength.
Friend of Cade Traveler
S43 - Ivenna & Myrfor
"Only the savage and wild are free."
Leader of the Wolf Riders & Alpha Wolf
S44 - Airistos Castle
S45 - Dawnstar Castle S46 - Feywynd Castle S47 - Ice Castle S48 - Islandar Castle
S49 - Parthamane Castle S50 - Petalhome Castle S51 - Rolandsgaard Castle S52 - Shahazar Castle
S53 - Styginmoor Castle S54 - Valeryk Castle S55 - Wildscape Castle  

Horseshoe Cards Cards

Copper 250 Horseshoe Card Silver 350 Horseshoe Card Gold 500 Horseshoe Card  

Promo Cards

P1 - Carmina P1 - River    

Not for Sale
For Reference Purposes Only
