Name Origin: The first release of this mold was as Bella, 2017 Horse of the Year.
Sculptor: Kathleen Moody
Introduced: 2017
Breyer Mold: #662
Size: Classic

Realistic Colors

Buckskin Blanket
Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa #959 (2021 - Current)
Bella - Horse of the Year #62118 (2017)
Glossy Bella #62118G (2018 Live Show Benefit Kid's Prize)
Grey Flea-bitten
Racing the Wind #62208 (2020)
Grullo Pinto
Grulla Paint Horse #946 (2019 - 2020)
Palomino Leopard
Deluxe Kid's Club Membership #712278 (2019)

Decorator Colors

Bogeyman #712260 (2018 Halloween Website)
Red Blue & Gold
Born to Run #711293 (2018 Breyerfest Store)

SR = Special Run/Limited Edition, production run number unknown.

Breyer Naming Convention: Call a mold by the name of the very first release of that mold.
Stone Naming Convention: The breed the mold represents.
