Name Origin: The first release of this mold was as Roemer.
Sculptor: Jeanne Mellin Herrick
Introduced: 1990
Breyer Mold: #465
Size: Traditional

Realistic Colors

Flim Flam #1204 (2003 - 2004)
Bay Black
Quiet Foxhunters #491192 (1992 Sears)
Bay Dark
Verdergelder #900 (1994 - 1997)
Bay Silver
Warmblood #430055 (2022 Warehouse Find)
Black Pinto
Domino #700994 (1994)
Roemer #465 (1990 - 1993)
Holiday Hunt #700400 (2000)
Chestnut Pinto
Let's Go Riding English Set #1787 (2018)
Dun Apricot
Sandstone #720398 (1998 Toys R Us)
Grey Dapple
Wadsworth #712158 (2015 Sweet Home Chicago)
Grey Flea-Bitten
George Graf #770398 (1998 USET)

Decorator Colors

None Yet    

SR = Special Run/Limited Edition, production run number unknown.

Breyer Naming Convention: Call a mold by the name of the very first release of that mold.
Stone Naming Convention: The breed the mold represents.
